day 18

It took most of the night for the pain to subside.  My feet, knees and hips THROBBED. And It got COLD last night.  Coldest yet.  And this's raining. Normally we just suck it up and hike in the rain but it's raining and cold and that's no Bueno. So we're just sitting in the tent.
No cell service here.  Waiting on a weather update on my Garmin.  Looks like rain should stop late morning so we sit tight and have a shorter day. Which, after yesterday, we are SO ok with.  We are getting low on food though but should be able to get to a town by tomorrow maybe.

Gotta admit it was nice to sleep in and just kinda hang out here in the shelter watching the rain, drinking coffee. Putting cold damp clothes on sucked though.  But we're getting used to it.  It's amazing the things we're getting used to. 

We started getting packed up and got water from the stream and the rain lightened. By about 10 we were ready.  So late! 

Glad we waited to start because it was COLD this first bit of hike.  And super windy which made it colder.  And wet.  Basically pretty miserable. But somehow we were feeling great. Forest was foggy and quiet.  Super spooky!  💚

Short day and relatively easy considering. We were aiming for a shelter halfway up mount Abraham.  We easily could have gone to the next but given how wet the terrain has been We decided to wait until tomorrow.  It's a sketchy hike already and wet rocks make it worse.  And this has been the peak I've been looking forward to the most.  I want to really enjoy it.

Got to the shelter and it was crowded!  Most people we've seen since the first couple days!  Weird but kinda nice. Really fun group of older guys section hiking the LT and a couple SOBO hiking the LT.  It's nice meeting SOBO people so we can swap stories of what's ahead for each other. 

Still really cool and windy so we're in the tent.  It's so much warmer with 2 people.  Planned out tomorrow so we'll probably go to sleep soon!


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