day 3

Miles today: 8
Mile  of LT: 25
Miles hiked: 29

Somehow woke up feeling tons better.  Pack is still heavy but I'm finally acclimating to it. Getting my rhythm down too.  Unfortunately Brendan is not.  He's really having a hard time.  Hoping he gets his trail legs today.  I really don't want to be finishing this on my own. 

Stopped a bit early but needed a break and some time to dry out some of our stuff.  It's been really humid and everything is damp.  Some big sunny spots at this shelter so we laid out our stuff to dry and get a nap. This shelter is far less crowded but one of the nicest I've seen yet. 

We have been insanely lucky with weather so far.  Looks like thay may break tomorrow. 

P.S. Good lord, I have been eating like I'm 8 months pregnant. Hiker hunger is legit 


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