Day 25

Miles hiked: 7.5 ish
LT miles; 198

Got up around 6.  No one slept great. Took a couple hours for my muscles to unbleach and stop hurting.  And it always takes a couple days to get used to the air pad again.

We started off around 7:30. Mostly incline today but thankfully most of it was gentle. But the parts that were not REALLY WERE NOT. Summited our first mountain, mount Bolton.  Not nearly as tall as some of the others, but definitely straight up and then straight back down again. Stopped a little past the halfway mark for the day at puffer shelter for lunch.

Lunch view:

Trail after the shelter was brutal.  That's apparently the name of the game.  How quickly we forgot.  The mud is ankle deep and a lot of the trail is flowing water.  There was a lot of slipping, tripping, cursing and anguished screams.  

We rolled into the shelter (Taylor lodge) right around 5 just as the rain started. 3 others here so far.  Just stuffing my starving hiker face.

After awhile the rain really picked up.  Coming down in buckets and on the aluminum roof it is LOUD!  Super glad we decided not to set up the tent.  This is worlds better.

Getting cold and tired so in my sleeping bag by 745.  
Woke up once and noticed the rain died from a deafening roar to a delightful patter thinking it was maybe 1am.  It was 915.  Heh.


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