On our way!
Left home this morning to begin the long drive towards Vermont. We're planning to stop somewhere tonight but not sure where. We figure drive until we're done then get to Burlington tomorrow. From there it gets tricky. Unfortunately our first day is 6 miles minimum. And straight up so we kinda have to get going early. So we may not start until Tuesday. Burlington is great but staying overnight there is....not cheap.
Well. Like hiking it's one step at a time.
Stopped just east of Syracuse for the night. Nerves for the upcoming hike are setting in but So is the excitement! Sat down for dinner and looked at maps, hotels, weather etc. Our first day of the hikes looks to be about as bad as it gets weather wise. But a lot changes in a day so one step at a time.
We can sleep in a bit and get to Burlington mid day tomorrow and re-access.
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